Kofta till en 10-åring

Den här koftan stickade jag till min dotters tioårsdag. Det ursprungliga mönstret är gjort i den sista dos-versionen av Knitware 1.50 men jag har gjort om det i version 2.50. De är väldigt lika så resultatet bör bli koftalikadant. Uppskattad garnåtgång står sist i beskrivningen.

OBS! Det finns något som jag uppfattar som ett fel i programmet när man använder en vikt kant.

Jag har mailat åskilliga gånger med Janet om just det här och hon hade någon förklaring till varför det skulle vara så, men jag tycker att det blir fel. Jag har stoppat in en fetstilskommentar i beskrivningen.


Flat (Bottom-Up) Thigh length Straight Cardigan with Folded Band and Vertical Rib front bands
Set-in Classic shoulder with Full length Moderate Taper sleeves with Ribbing
Round (crew) front neck and Flat back neck with Single Band collar

Printed: 2005-03-26
Pattern File Name: Kofta
Size: Standard Child 76 for Min dotter

Date started: 2005-03-26 Finished: *

Plus; Multi, grön och lite gul; 100% akryl; 40 gr fintvätt

Gauge (Stocking stitch over 4 in = 10 cm): 22,0 sts by 31,0 rows.
Body knit by Silver Reed LK-150 using TD4
Ribbing knit by Silver Reed LK-150 using TD3,0

FINISHED DIMENSIONS: (cms): ... with Oversized fit.
Chest: 95,0 Armhole: 40,0 Top Neck Opening: 17,0
Hem Width: 22,0 Front Neck Width: 9,0
Sleeve Top: 36,0 Front Neck Depth: 7,0
Hem Width: 95,0 Sleeve Bottom: 24,0
Back Width: 36,0 Sleeve Length: 38,0
Body Length: 74,0 Hem Length: 4,0 Collar Length: 2,0
Hem Length: 5,0
Front Band Width 2,0 Number of buttons: 11

Note: Read ALL these instructions thoroughly BEFORE starting to knit. There may be sections where there are two shapings to work at the same time (such as necklines or waist shaping). The pattern may call for more needles than you have on your machine.

NOTE: At most, 106 needles are required to make this garment.

1. Cast on 106 sts in WY, using TD3,0 and open edge method. Work 6 rows, ending COR. Change to MY. Work even for 20 rows. You may wish to work a turn or picot row halfway. Här blir det fel (enligt min mening) om man viker upp kanten efter bara 10 varv. Jag dubblar här och stickar först 20 varv sedan ett vikvar med +2 på slälden och sedan stickar jag 20 varv igen och hakar sedan upp kanten på nålarna så att den blir dubbel.

To complete the hem, graft the cast-on sts to the last row worked.
2. Change to TD4 and Stocking stitch, RC000. Work 156 rows. COR.
3. Armhole shaping. Cast off 5 sts at beginning of next 2 rows. COR. Dec 1 st at each end of every alternate row for 14 rows. Total 172 rows with 82 sts remaining.
4. Work a further 46 rows even. COR. Total 218 rows.
5. Shoulder shaping. Cast off 11 sts at beginning of next 4 rows. COR.
6. Total 222 rows with 38 sts remaining for back of neck. Place sts on holder.

FRONT: Cardigan right side worked first.
1. Cast on 52 sts in WY, using TD3,0 and open edge method. Work 6 rows, ending COR. Change to MY. Work even for 20 rows. You may wish to work a turn or picot row halfway. Se kommentaren ovan till bakstycket. Gör likadant på bägge framstyckena. To complete the hem, graft the cast-on sts to the last row worked.
2. Change to TD4 and Stocking stitch, RC000. Work 156 rows.
3. Armhole. Dec for armhole at right end, as for back. Continue until 200 rows total, with 40 sts remaining.
4. Shape neck. COR. Thread left 9 sts to WY. Dec 1 st at neck edge (left end) every row 9 times, until 22 sts remain. Then work 9 row(s) even. Total 218 rows.
5. Shoulder shaping. Cast off as for back.
6. Left cardigan front. Work as for right side, reversing shapings.

1. Cast on 54 sts in WY, using TD4 and open edge method. Work 6 rows, ending COR. RC000.
2. Change to MY and Stocking stitch.
3. Inc 1 st at each end of every 7th row 13 times, then every 8th row once to 82 sts (99 rows total).
4. Work even to total 106 rows. COR.
5. Shape cap. Cast off 5 sts at beg of next two rows (72 sts rem). Dec 1 st at each end of every row 8 times, then dec 1 st at each end of every 2nd row 9 times, then dec 1 st at each end of every row 8 times. Total 142 rows. COR. Cast off remaining 22 sts loosely.

1. With wrong side of work facing, hook the MY sts onto 50 needles, (putting 2 sts onto 4 needles evenly spaced across the row, and 1 st on all other needles), and using TD4 knit 1 row. Thread every other st to WY and push the empty needles into NWP. Hang weights.
2. Change to TD3,0 and knit 14 rows.
3. Convert to 1x1 rib using latchet tool. Cast off loosely.

1. Sew fronts to back along shoulder seams.

1. Bring out 94 needles to HP. With wrong side of work facing, rehang 9 sts from right front neck holder, 19 sts from right front neck edge, 38 sts from back neck holder, , 19 sts from left front neck edge and 9 sts from left front neck holder. Hang weights. Push needles to FWP, latches open. Use TD3,0 with COR.
2. Work 8 rows. Convert to 1x1 rib. Cast off loosely.

1. Using closed edge method of casting on for rib, and TD3,0, cast on 7 sts, leaving every other needle in NWP. Knit 69,0 cms, converting to rib in stages as you go.
2. Check that this length is sufficient, when slightly stretched, to go up cardigan front, from bottom of front hem to top of collar band. Rib more if necessary.
3. Cast off. Sew button band to left front for girls/women, right front for boys/men.
4. Mark positions for 11 buttons, the first one 1,1 cms above the band bottom, the last one 1,1 cms below the band top. The rest should be evenly spaced between these two, approximately 6,7 cms apart.

1. Work buttonhole band as for button band, working buttonholes at the marked positions as follows:
Thread off center 1 st to a length of WY, leaving the empty needle(s) in WP with latch open each time.
When converting to rib, pick up the dropped st(s) at each buttonhole.
2. Sew buttons at marked positions on the button band.
3. Sew buttonhole band to cardigan front, being careful to align buttonholes with buttons.

1. Sew sleeve top to armhole, easing to fit. Sew side and sleeve seams. Sew any remaining seams.
2. Darn/weave/sew in all loose ends.

--- WARNING. THIS IS A ROUGH ESTIMATE ONLY. Measure a sample piece for a more accurate calculation.
Amount needed:
506,4 for body and sleeves
10,8 for ribbing and/or hems
31,1 for collar/hood (includes cardigan front bands)
548,3 Grams TOTAL


Pattern designed by: Nina LK- 150
with KNITWARE DESIGN (Version 2.50.1)


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